Look what you've done
Oh what have you done
Eclipsed my sun
The change was sudden
You wanted my heart
And I let you in
You fucked up everything
Your love was rotten
I don't want you back
You're not a good man
Your devilish hell
Is not forgotten
Your blinding smile
It hides your dark side
Can no longer lie
'Cos I've seen everything
You said I was wild
So you held me down
You held me too tight
And now I can't break
your fall
My hands are tied
What have I done
Oh, look what I've done
It looks like I won
You must feel bitter
You messed me up
And I let you down
The bill for your fun
Is now delivered
I'm not coming back
You're not a good man
Your castles of sand
Fall to shivers
You turned me around
Away from myself
That was just how
You dug your own grave
You said I was loud
So you shut me up
Forbidding me to speak
So now I can't kiss your mouth
My lips are sealed
You said I shouldn't mess with you
If I knew what was best for me
And now I do
I've got no respect for you
You can fool the whole world but not me I've heard everything
Your every down word
You hit me with
Rings through my ears
So now I can't hear that old song
You wrote for me
You said I was wild
You said I was too loud
You turned me around
and as I'm slowly turning back
I turn my back on you going down.
I don't usually post lyrics in my blog, though I'm always looking them up on the internet (I'm not a native English speaker so...). I figured I'd write the words to this one since I couldn't find them anywhere.
Trusting someone and getting just cheapness and unkindness in return is damn hard to accept, be it love, friendship (this second one I have fresh) or the weather man. And seeing someone you trusted get the wrongest picture of you just because it suits him just tops it.
Of course chances are the guy in the song doesn't give a damn what she sings to him, not gonna hurt him one bit, that's the unfairness of it; obviously the girl in the song does and it's going to take a while to process why he would be so unnecesarily unkind, because she cared and he could count on her, that is also the unfairness of it. Obviously that happens all the time, people letting people down for no particular reason. It's like the oil of this mean life machine.
Whatever, just learn from it (or if you can, better forget all about it) and move on.
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Friday, May 16, 2008
Elin Ruth Sigvardsson "How you dug your own grave" lyrics
Posted by
10:01 AM
Thanks for the lyrics. Here are some small adjustment I'd like to propose.
"can no longer lie, cause I've seen everything"
"rings through my ears, so now I can't hear that old song, you wrote for me."
"You can fool the whole world but not me, I've heard everything."
"and as I'm slowly turning back, I turn my back on you going down."
Thanks so much!. I've done the adjustments. Wow, now it's even more poignant...
I love the song.
It is so .. true.
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