I have found a new Tower seating chart that is less updated than the one I posted a few days ago (so please if you haven't seen that one check it first, it's here), but it has all three levels, not just the orchestra, so I am posting it too.
Posted by
7:56 PM
is the loge upstairs or downstairss?
I have center loge CC 101-103
101 - 103
My good man: I see no row KK in any of your charts. Is this a genuine, recently built row, inclined above row JJ (affording a view over the enormous hairy brainpans of Sideshow Bob and his brother in seats JJ 101, 103?)? Or is it a row of folding chairs in the walkway behind row JJ? Not inclined above row JJ? A true, you-pays-yermoney-you-takes-yerchances corporate rock ripoff? (after all, this is Clear Channel, Satan's early warning system.) Thanks for your bloggo. LAMB CURRY KILLS!
Hi there, I'm afraid I don't know. Two other people also asked some time ago about row LL in loge and I couldn't help either, asked them for feedback after the show...never heard back from them. Sorry...good luck with that and thanks for the heads up on lamb curry!
Where exactly is the Loge located?
Cheech Tix******
The loge is the first section, on the second floor...
the second floor goes right over the divider between the double letter orchestra seating.. and the single letter orchestra seating..
is the pit the closest thing to the stage?
hi, i got my tickets for a show at the tower coming up, and i have pit row ccc seat 116. are those seats good?
That's 3rd row! and it's info you can find in a few places this blog, hmm
I have:
Loge Section LOGE LEFT CTR, Row KK, Seat # 2 and # 4
Did you ever find out if there was a legit KK section? And are these good seats?
Thanks !!!
Can anyone help me with figuring out some seat numbers in the Pit at the Tower Theatre, Phila.? Specifically, would row AAA seats 113 and 115 be off in the right section, not in the center section, or are they at the very end of the center section? I've looked at seating charts but not sure if they are up to date. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!
I believe the seating chart nr 1 showing the pit seats is up to date.
How is the view from Row AA, Orch Right, Seat 1 and 3? Are there any obstructions? Also, will the speakers be right there in front of you?
It depends on the band - some may have large speakers that are pretty far over to the side. But since most of the activity will likely be center stage, you should still be able to see. Personally, though, I would not want to sit that far to the side. I'd probably try for seats further back but not as far to side, if possible.
Is the entire theater seats or is their a dance floor standing room only. I'm going to see Widespread Panic there and will want to dance around.
I have never seen a dance floor there. There may be some room to dance on the side aisles, if security will let you!
I just purchased tix for the Wiggles to take my son on 8/21 and I can't find my seats on any seating chart anywhere. They are L/C Loge row LL 18,20,22. Any idea if these even exist? They are all together right? I'm guessing the seats are odd on one side, even on the other? With a 18 mon. old I'm trying to make sure we're not stuck in the middle of a row, LOL! Any help is appreciated, thanks!
The seats should all be together, as the even numbers are on one side, the odd on the other. From what I can determine, the seats should be towards the end of the row. I can't find row LL Loge on the seating chart, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It's probably an old chart. I imagine you should be fine.
are center loge row aa any good for neil young?
Should be decent.
ok, my tickets say GENPIT row GAO seats 41-42. Can't find it on the seating chart. Where are they, and are they good seats? Thanks
yeah my tickets say the same as Melissa's. Row GAO seats 40-43. Not sure where they are...
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