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Thursday, May 31, 2007
PHOTOS Keane Tower theater concert Philadelphia 05.27.07
Posted by
4:13 PM
Monday, May 28, 2007
Keane at the Tower Theater, Philadelphia. (05/27/2007)
(Please don't use these images without permission)
Now best and worst (to me):
*Best performance: Bedshaped (and it's not the song I like best). They saved it for last (seems they always end their concerts with this song, I believe many times they don't use sequencer in this one so what you see is what you hear, I guess that's one of the reasons they specially like to play this one live).
*Best staging: Try again (the screens made the Tower look like a train in motion at sunset or sunrise, totally achieving the scenery for the sad commuter song they portray)
*Best sing along: Tom got everybody singing their hearts out in "Somewhere only we know"
*Best sound effect: the "power outage" one on "Atlantic". Amazing
*Best others: their entourage, the people working for them are considerate to the extreme with the public.
*Best moment: Tom and Tim singing and looking at each other. Regardless of how their friendship will end, there's this bond in the air. That kind of friendship is hard to find, and I believe it's the core of this group. (See pic).
* Lighting at Bedshaped was at times like Sesame St ("sun in your eyes":a strike of yellow lights; "in white light"...guess what; thank god there were no more colours mentioned)
*Did Tom feel it deep inside?. You can't go through so much every other night. Guess he saved his feelings to pour in a couple of songs. And it's OK, really. He sort of "compensated" with all this energy. Still I missed more emotion.
Posted by
5:59 PM
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Keane concert review soon
I will soon be posting a review on Keane's concert in Philadelphia this Sunday at the Tower Theatre.
Blog goes well, many visits (well, to my standards, that is) but still no info from visitors, which makes it quite impossible to gather all the info I meant to, but what can you do... By the way, wouldn't I have liked to be at Keane's sound check (kind of like having a super place closed for you alone, right?), but as the song goes, "you can't always get what you want.. doo bee doooo". I'm off to buy my Saturday lunch.
Posted by
2:48 PM
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
2 great pics inside the Tower Theater
Two images of the inside of the theater, thanks to the people at Live Nation. One of them is a view from the stage and the other one is the opposite view, both are excellent and the place looks great. I think it's a web exclusive!!!
Labels: Tower theater Philadelphia, inside the Tower theater Philadelphia, photos Tower theater Philadelphia, pics Tower theater Philadelphia
Posted by
10:07 PM
Friday, May 18, 2007
No news, the Killer mots feat. Tom Chaplin and Space 1999
No additional info on the Tower Theater for now (please, comments!!) but I’m going there pretty soon so hopefully I’ll be updating solidly.
Lots of news on Keane, but I don’t want them taking over my blog so I’ll keep it short. After a concert gig’s start struck by natural disaster (L.A.’s first concert moved to another venue because of a major fire; second concert, Denver and the floods… they’re missing earth and air!!), it seems the elements have finally joined them.
I’ve also seen Keane’s “Strangers” DVD, which pretty much changed my perception of the three members of the band’s personalities (they really don’t seem to be the way they seem to be, though they might be), I’ll review it some other time. By the way, Tom recently recommended a group called the Guillemots (I first understood Killer mots, or moths, no wonder I couldn’t find them, but I recently visited a blog that had this really good playlist (geekdom) and bingo! there they were, and they sound pretty good too, check out their web site which is also really original. (Well, I am 99% sure this is the name Tom recommended, it really sounded like that but after my previous success ... they are good anyway).
I’m also adding another pick, it’s the theme from Space 1999, a cheery and tacky tune that I actually like (I didn’t get to watch the series but the tune was in this tape I had when I was a child) . The quality’s not as good as desired but it will have to do. Have a nice weekend all of you!!!
Back to Keane stuff
Posted by
6:37 PM
Friday, May 11, 2007
Keane 3 - Tom Chaplin's declaration (2007)
After having previously written about Keane, updates are in order.
Their US tour starts today, with the Q magazine's interview to Tom Chaplin still hot on the table. Pretty hard core stuff, I can't think of a reason why he would do it. Maybe he will explain it on the radio today (see the official page for details). They´re now facing a quite entangled situation, what do the two other members of the band think about it??).
I wonder how the new album's going to sound after all this (deep down the mercury ocean??). Sorry, bad joke again. Sad, though...
And it's difficult to say the least, but I wish it had a happy ending. Chaplin's very gifted but seems fragile, and übertalented and opinionated Rice-Oxley's shadow must be long...-.
Anyway, Chaplin was not making much sense having an interview saying what he said and then proceeding to illustrate it with dark, glazed eyes, smoke burning cigarette in hands portraits of himself.
PS 2009: as of at the end of 2008 Chaplin smoked, as he himself has acknowledged in some interview (many people seem to end up in this post wondering about it).
Back to Keane stuff
Posted by
9:09 PM
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
After the concert at the Tower...
Ok, what I would like to do next is to post some info on where to go to have a drink after a concert at the Tower. Or, for instance, where do you think the artists would head to to cool off after their concert. I have no clue so really if you are familiar with Philadelhia's "night" life please send some info, and I'll be listing places with your tips. Thanks!!.
For the moment, I propose this link here where there are suggestions for each category.
Posted by
4:32 PM
Monday, May 7, 2007
Hi there, I am starting to have a decent amount of visitors to my blog now (and finally I can be found through Google search!!) but still no comments . Please let me know if you found what you were looking for in this page or if you needed any specific info that wasn't there, so I can update the site to be more useful. Thanks!!!
Posted by
9:02 PM
Tower Theater aerial image
Posted by
5:16 AM
Friday, May 4, 2007
Tower Theater Hotels
Posted by
6:14 AM
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Tower Restaurants
"There is a full bar in the Tower Theatre open for shows. As to food, when shows are presented, there is pizza, hot dogs, pretzels, candy and cookies" (says H. B. Haas). It seems the problem is the price("food is true "movie" theater fare... and beers are $7.25+ served in Dixie cups" says Rob C).- (As per cinematreasures.com).
I have to say that prices have gone down a bit now, and the bar at the Tower was full. It opens some time before the concert and it's a good place to spend some time as, let's not forget, it's full of people that have at least one thing in common with you!! (beer approx $6, sodas approx $3) (still I recommend it for a drink, if you are seriously hungry go some of the other places).
Posted by
10:23 PM
Tower Theater Philadelphia seating chart nr 2 (see nr 1 first)
Posted by
7:56 PM
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Keane stuff
OK, on Keane… there is so much info about them out there, so many sites, that you look them up on Google to get a hint about who they are and before you realize (if you are curious, and I certainly am, very) you start clicking and end up having a Bachelor in them … honestly.
First thing I have to say is in my experience the best place to go to, surprisingly, is their official web site. They are really involved in it (they write mini blogs, they answer questions you can send…something that does them credit), plus it is constantly updated and relatively arty.
Other things I enjoyed or found interesting are: (note 2009: most of the stuff has been removed from the web, seems, sorry, makes the post quite useless, decided to leave it as a souvenir...)
*This yahoo interview (not very recent, 2005)
*If you can get your hands on MTV essential Keane, it is a pretty good mini summary.
*There was what must be the cheekiest interview ever to them here (beginnings, Nov-2004), it made me laugh, and boy was Tim quick and patient! (and some credit to the interviewer too, for a different interview and certainly some boldness!!). Some things have changed since. But the link has changed, I'll try to find it.
* Another curious bit (Jul-04), talks about A-ha being Keane’s heroes. Though I thought I detected some reminiscences of A-ha’s music in a few songs, I am thinking maybe the reporter is Norwegian and has a certain inclination to exaggeration?… Another link that has changed, will have to do some researching...
(Just for the record, I do like A-ha, a lot, and I say it though for some reason, maybe Morten being such a handsome one, it is not cool)
*An interview at French TV, Nov'06, pretty funny, best thing is at the beginning when first the interviewer shows their CD on its side (Chaplin thinking should I say something?), then they have to listen to their own music for quite some time and they look quite awkward... Also removed from youtube, aggg
*A very long interview to T. R-O and T. C. in Face culture (2004). Also removed.
*They also have a documentary (Strangers) probably more than worth seeing , but I haven’t yet.
*For tons of info on songs, etc: Wikipedia.
*And for silly Faq’s like knowing which type of cheese or biscuits each of them prefer, go to Keaneshaped. Not that it is going to make a difference in your life, but maybe it takes you to discovering new flavours!!!
*And they have actually managed to avoid having any part of their private life exposed (other than Tom’s rehab, and that was their choice), which is pretty amazing, quite an achievement.
And that’s about it, if you have found any other Keane “pearls”, pls let me know.
Just for the record, what I think of Keane (not that anyone does care): great lyrics, great music, amazing at creating an atmosphere for each song like a background for one’s own feelings to pop up ("wake the serpent not..."), their music has like camouflaged layers, so you can discover a new one the 100'th time you're listening to a particular song. And they and really hard working people, after all it was a long journey for them to get to success and that has to make a difference . . One thing I don’t usually like from them, though: their videos (Somewhere only we know is good though).
And that’s a wrap.
Posted by
10:18 PM