Yesterday was officially one of the weirdest if not the weirdest day of my life. It involved a day out in NY, hesitating, art exhibitions, Hillary and Bill Clinton sightings (more strange than impressive, brushing shoulders -or better "brushing tips or the shoes"- with their entourage was definitely an experience), along with Elvis Costello and the Wallflowers, tv crews, a Rolling Stones photographer, coffee with Stuart (Wallflowers, that was cool) , and listening to a part of the Beacon Theater concert, in the street, through the back iron door (happened to pass by, couldn't resist) next to a homeless woman who danced to the rythm. Just so radically different from my everyday life. Learned a lot.
And now for my idiotic usual line. JD, Birdcage-ing?, saw him literally fleeing the Theatre (the photographer taking pictures didn't help matters). Such a contrast with less than a week ago. It was a very haunting scene for me, don't know why, most powerful.
Wondered what was he doing there anyway, he just covered "Gimme some truth"? ... I don't know if it hit him there and then or if I'm just imagining things. (*** see PS at the bottom, I was imagining things).
Anyway, aaaaaaaaaaaaagggg today's going to stink.
And by the way, for everyone's sake, if Hillary is going to be the next president, I hope that yesterday she was just having a bad day.
PS I didn't bring a camera (wanted an "easy" day), so no pics, then you always regret it, but not really.
And good news for last: Jakob Dylan's solo album: almost finished (a few things left, incredible that I have news, who'd have said)
**...and yes I was imagining things, JD's profile pic as of today (29th nov 07) is Bill Clinton and a semi-hidden him behind. None of my business but I wonder, isn't Jakob Dylan a musician first? Really confusing that he "hands over" his place, retreats and fades into the background for political purposes in THIS context. I really admire his music and I find him one of the smartest guys around so this doesn't quite fit. What’s the purpose of lending his image as in a perfume ad? (can’t find any explanations/reasons of why he’s supporting Hillary). He may get some of the right votes but for the wrong reasons…(and by the way I don't know which are the right votes, not what this is about)
PS 2 , Jan 07: By the way, I haven't seen those photos anywhere. The photographer (A. M.), went to his black limo when he rushed inside it and asked for him to roll down the window so he could take more pictures. JD didn't, and he came back and told me that that wasn't very nice of him. I said that wasn't surprising, after the way they/press usually handle news about him. And I added that he's usually a really nice person (well, I had only seen him once before that day, I shouldn't act like I know him, but). A.M. agreed with a nod, he knew (just doing his job, not a bad guy). It's a tough world for everyone.
PS 3 I've re-read this post and it sounds sort of silly and sort of pretentious so I'll explain myself a little further.
There was sort of stuff going on at the time, so in the end I decided to take the day off (at the very end, when it was already too ridiculously late to do the trip from NJ, only then I realized I really had to go) and wander around the city rather than .... Once there apart from the Klimt art exhibition I had been planning on visiting for some time I didn't have any other plan so, for once in my life, I sort of went with the flow.What I like most when I go to NYC is Central Park and then just looking at the people, walking by the streets, so I walked around Central park and then since I knew there was this Hillary Clinton / Wallflowers concert / bash I decided to take a look, it was nearby, and it might be curious to see all the fuss. And once there I meant to stay for some minutes but, letting myself "go with the flow" as I said, because I had nothing specific to do, I ended up being there until late at night and things kept happening, and I kept meeting the most different people, and, I have to say, all of them really nice - doesn't usually happen either!. Overall it was really special. Hope this explains it a bit better.
Just stuff like (click):
Friday, October 26, 2007
Weird day
Posted by
2:55 PM
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