Well, it seems I'll keep blogging now and then after all, it's just that I keep finding things that complete my previous posts so..
Latest finding: footage of Keane inside the Magic shop. When I found it in youtube, I was really surprised as I didn't even know there was an UTIS (Under the iron sea) DVD. Seems I am a little clueless after all.
Anyway, it was a curious sensation seeing them there where I too set foot almost two years later (if you want to see the pics go to my previous post, The Magic Shop in NYC ). I really couldn't picture them there when I visited, neither could I feel any "kean-a-normal" vibe or anything if I tried.
The documentary also shows the band working on their songs with their producer, really working on the songs (not pretending they are while striking poses, etc), it's something I didn't think I'd get to see, so any portion of it .... a total treat (thank you, whoever had the idea). It definitely sheds a lot of light on this record and this band. Maybe their official web page should mention these DVD's??.
Labels: Keane Under the iron sea dvd, Keane magic shop, Keane UTIS dvd
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Friday, June 29, 2007
The Magic Shop in Keane's "Under the iron sea" DVD
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6:24 PM
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