OK, it's not really in the spirit of arts (does that mean anything or am I just messing up with my English again??) to only dedicate posts to Hopper and Klimt, so I'm posting some pics of Pat Monk's sculptures. When I recently visited the Torpedo factory in Alexandria (an old torpedo factory turned to art center with lots of artists studios, galleries, etc, pretty interesting place) his was the studio I liked the most by far. His work is really original, interesting and beautiful. He has quite a biography too, read it here in his website. Turns out he's not exactly a newcomer but when I saw his sculptures (through the windows, it was closed) I knew nothing about it. So here are some pics. See for yourselves...
Just stuff like (click):
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Pat Monk,Torpedo factory, Alexandria (VA)
Posted by
9:22 PM
friends suggested I look up Pat Monk's sculpture, especially in steel because that is what I do and they like what I do. I looked. He really blows me away... at the level of David Smith, Richard Stankowits. Gives me inspirationfor my humble efforts.
He's really unique. If you ever come back to my blog, you have to let us know where to take a look at your work!!
Pat Monk truly is a unique person. If you have a chance to meet him in person, you will see that he has an unbelievable sense of humor and is loved by all the artists at the Factory. He makes the best use I can imagine of his background as a nuclear physicist. A must see/meet.
I have seen his work and was incredibly impressed. I love the fact that you can actually touch and enjoy his art. It's not just something fantastic to look at, it is also interactive! I highly recommend going back when his gallery is open, or contacting him to visit his sculpture garden.
Thanks for the heads up!
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