Sunday, March 7, 2010

Ane Brun at the Moby Dick Club, Madrid

Here's the setlist:

Only change is she didn't play Gillian.
Supporting act was Linnea Olsson (who was later the only one onstage with Ane, playing cello), who did a nice sampler of 3 songs, one of them instrumental. I've uploaded a bit of that one, "The ocean", on youtube here.
A few more pics:

Also uploaded a few vids on youtube of the two new covers she did ("Alfonsina y el mar" -in Spanish, her favourite song- and "It's alright baby's coming back", this last one for Amnesty International, they asked her for a cover of an 80's or 90's song) and also the beautiful "The fall" sounding more beautiful than ever before. They're all in my youtube profile. As usual the best clip is the one that got less hits. Story of my life and by extension of this blog!.
Videos say it all, great concert. And when it ended she stood by the merch table with Linnea. I asked Ane about her next album, she said most probably it wouldn't be out until at least next year, as she's been busy -and now, with the Peter Gabriel thing, even more. She has fully finished two songs so far, and she didn't know if it would be in the same line as the previous one or not- or she prefered to keep it a secret!. It's a big contrast, her songs, with how open and friendly she is.
The edition of the Changing of seasons cd (only one on sale that night) had a French version of the Koop island blues with an almost unrecognizable Ane. Most chic song, had not heard it before ("et mon coeur se souvient des formes de ton corps", different better lyrics than the English version)
I do not want to say again I'll hardly blog anymore because you never know (like the last time I did a week or so into my non-blogger status a very cool NY marketing agency offered to send me their music news and also interview chances to new acts, etc. , -which had not happened the whole time I'd been blogging!) so decided to go on for a bit more. I've only done maybe 2 or 3 small posts on the people they manage because most of it is not something that fits well here -some are very cool though-. They're really lovely people, thanks for keeping me in the loop on some stuff).
So I'd say nothing, which is easier in case I change my mind, but I believe some people (very very few) come back to this blog now and then for fresh posts so I should. BIG thanks to them, whoever they are. May post when I go to a specially good concert or so. Have to focus on the grown up life now, ugg!! ...changing of seasons :)
I'd rather sneak this in Ane's post than on the last one, less self-important, lol.
Tags: Ane Brun setlist, Ane Brun Madrid, Moby Dick club, Linnea Olsson Madrid

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