Friday, July 27, 2007

The PIT area at the Tower Theater , pics included

These are pics taken October 2008:

(click on any to enlargen)
The Tower's PIT area are the first 5 rows on the lower ground. These rows go from AAA to EEE. The first row has 8 seats on either side of the main aisle, the other rows have 12 seats on either side. These are the seats that are closest to the stage and therefore have the best view (they are reeeally close to the stage). Nothing blocks the view (at least nothing did in the concert I went to) as the huge speakers that are on the stage are placed at the sides at the furthest ends (guess it's not so good from the sound volume point of view) . The floor on this section is not lower than the orchestra (just a little, the usual incline).
I thought I'd dedicate a post exclusively to this section because many people don't know what to expect of it when the are looking for tickets (it happened to me too!!). You can see the seating chart and the seats pics for this section in the other posts of my site. Hope it' helpful.


Anonymous said...

hey infotaupe! thanks for all the info on the tower. this is the only website that i could find a lot of information.

anyway, i'm going to see the Pumpkins on 10/21 and i got seats in row DDD. i was wondering if people actually stay in their seats in the PIT for concerts like that. i would think that everyone would just rush to the stage.

i am asking, because i have found some tickets for row AAA (not sure why they are still available) and i was wondering if it is worth the hassle of trying to find someone to take my DDD tickets so i can buy the AAA ones.

let me know what you think! and thanks again.

infotaupe said...

Hi, Samantha, there's no sure answer to your question, because most of the times people do stay in their seats (and the Tower personnel do enforce it) but there's a few times that the aisleway becomes a general admission area (see the first comment in the Tower theater info post). So I don't know what to tell you. If it's easy to make the move to AAA and you really feel it's important to be first row I'd go for it but otherwise row DDD is really excellent.

Unknown said...

Hi there, just wondering if anybody out there attended any of David Bowie's concerts that were recorded for "David Live" back in the early 70's, I bought this album shortly after it was released,I was 15 years old at the time, and I've been an admirer of it ever since, would loved to have been there.Anyway's anybody out there that was there, it would be nice to hear from you,Cheers!Phil.

Anonymous said...

Hi infotaupe!

I was thinking of buying tickets to an upcoming Keane concert at the Tower, and I'm debating between orchestra and pit. Neither I nor my friend have ever been to the theater before and are wondering how loud it's gonna be so close to the stage, and if taking close orchestra seats vs. pit seats would make a difference.

Thanks for your help!

And PS, your pictures were very helpful! :)

infotaupe said...

Hi there, the loudness issue of pit versus orchestra's first rows is (in my opinion) basically the same, and not a problem as long as you stay away from the end seats of the first rows (the closest to the walls). Closeness to the speakers IS a problem in those. And from a visual point of view the closer the better but the first rows of orchestra have a really good view too. Hope it helped.

Anonymous said...

Hi infotaupe,

In your pictures of the Tower Pit section on your blog, it looks like there are only two rows of PIT seating (the type of seats differ from the others). The reason I inquire is that I have row CCC seats for an upcoming show and was wondering if those might actually be front row seats.

Please let me know your thoughts

infotaupe said...

All the shows I've been to these chairs have been bet's on CCC being third row....which are really great seats!

Anonymous said...

Are the PIT seats bolted to the floor or just loose/sitting there?

Kat said...

Wow this is the BEST site for the tower theater...answered so many of my questions. The seating charts on the other sites are terrible. Thanks so much!

infotaupe said...

Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

hi there, so i have pit tickets for an upcoming concert there and was wondering how big the pit area is and also if there was anything that separates the pit and orchestra?

infotaupe said...

Hi, last time I was there pit was 5 rows approx, and there's no separation with orchestra. Rgds!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to a concert here with pit tickets, but it's not labelled AAA, BBB, CCC, etc. Just GAPit. I guess that means there are no seats whatsoever in that section and it's just standing only?

infotaupe said...

Sorry, don't know. That's a new one.

Anonymous said...

7 years later and all of this info is still extremely helpful thanks

infotaupe said...

Thanks!. Oh I feel old!

cynn02 said...

I have GA pit 9 tickets it says seat 99. The platinum tickets they were selling at a higher price were GA pit 6. I hope it's still in the pit.

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