Hard to find an artist these days who isn't either a) preaching the official line with the utmost intransigence an bigotry, calling for "dissidents" to be cancelled or b) just self censoring, silent.
No true rebels, no brave free spontaneous artists.
What an ugly face so many people have shown lately. Not Marshall, thankfully, and those few like him almost make it all worth it. They have a heart and a light that might even make up for the millions of sheepish idiots and their corrupt leaders.
PS April 5, 2023. Another brave face: Susanne Sundfor. Daring to offer opinions and views different from the mainstream cult one can only show these days. Defending free speech and fighting the "misinformation" labeling squad.
What a relief!
PS Later.. Finding more true independent individuals daring to express non mainstream mob-approved views:
And had forgotten mentioning M.I.A, who even dared to speak to someone with different views, Candace no less (oh the sacrilege)
Wonderful people who at least have the capacity to think on their own and defend their truth. It's not that I agree with them (and on this I do), it's that they have the ability and courage to face the masses of fake mainstream "rebels" out there who follow every rule, the millions of wannabe"defenders of freedom and dialogue" who root for censorship and practice intransigence as a religion. Inspiring πππ
Can't find many more, unfortunately.
28/04/23 Susanne is on fire!. Loving the very deserved roasting. As I said: this is being brave, this is being corageous, this is the way to progress, this is..AWESOME.