Saturday, November 6, 2021

Do not comply

Voices of reason, yet unbelievably ignored and critizised by so many people.. 

The "dosed" spread the virus as much as the "undosed", studies and data seem to confer. And the % of survival is 99 point whatever. Add the horrible side effects (including death) so many people are experiencing and the obvious result is that the way governments, the media and a big part of the society are behaving is utter madness if not downright criminal and psychotic.
I will not take it unless they strap me to a chair. And I'm fine, the fear I've felt this past year is for those who are taking this experiment, specially young people and children. Breaks my heart.
And then there's the tyranny and the loss of freedom. Australia, neighbour Kim Jong Jacinda ... 
Wake up: this madness needs to stop
#holdtheline #donotcomply