If one word can describe these last days of the year over here that is WATER, it's been unexplainably raining non stop for weeks.....glooooomy. Aaaand even some snow. Who'd have thought.
Even so some musicians have weathered this curse and gone out on the streets of Madrid to play the last carols of the year. An example: Dawn Landes' (&Co) very inspired version of Rocking around.., not bad at all:
If the video works funny you can watch it here (there's also other artists)
A little late for a post on carols... but...ahem. Many new additions to the folder this year have been free downloads ..duh , my mind doesn't work tonight. Will finish the post tomorrow.
31/12/09: Guess what...it's raining! Since I woke up, not stopped for a minute. Not good.
Will keep it short, things to do. So, people like Sweet Soubrette and Jem gave away a free Christmas new track on Christmas day (timing's everything, they say), or on a different day (as Camera Obscura "the Blizzard") and others a non Christmas one like Sondre Lerche his cover of Animal Collective's "Bluish" or Sia the previously only for twitterers (me not one of them yet) "You've changed". Of all those, I believe the best is Sondre's (how this guy projects warmth and good somehow). You should find all the links for downloading in their webs/myspace...or let me know. I'm feeling lazy.
Aaaand this morning it was Anna Ternheim who wished everyone a Happy NY giving away a live version of "You mean nothing to me", here. Breathtaking. But not appropiate for happy, she must have a Swedish sense of humour! -best save it for another day.
Big rainy thanks to all of them for their generosity. Will try to remember more.
(Pic: Christmas Tree at the Plaza de EspaƱa, Madrid)
On second thought, Jem's is probably a better choice for tonight. Oh, and it's still raining!!!.
Champagne in the fridge everybody?